An unfinished painting that’s taken about 7 hrs total. i’ve learned a lot about color and values. i still need to add a few more things here

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So since i haven’t been able to paint in a while due to school scheduling issues i’ve put this painting asside and i’ve been wanting to continue

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So how AWESOME was it when I received a comment on my myspace page, from a very skilled and overall great artist like Jean Sebastian Rossbach!!! He’s

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Here is something i’m doing for fun/practice for my wacom. I’m having a lot of fun painting this and as I progress I might use different styles,

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I’ve posted a few of the things I’ve been working on/ things that I’ve finished, and I feel accomplished, and I feel like I’m progressing everytime I

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So, I ended up adding more things and I dont know if I like it as much ….let me know which you like best.

I’m a hack, but I thought this came out pretty decent. I’m still a beginner, but I’ve learned alot in the few short weeks that I’ve had

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